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  • Writer's pictureCindy Valladares

Reading Two: Work your Money, Not your Life

How to balance your career and personal finances to get what you want.

In Honduras, some families limit talking about money issues to not worry their children.

Both my parents maximize the amount of learning they can get through saving strategies. Both came from similar circumstances when they were younger and that is why they started introducing the importance of money from a young age.

This book has readers interacting with the book while at the same time learning about personal finances. For example, in the section about career growth there are pages where they ask the reader to fill out a form about your job. How do you feel about your work environment, teammates, your value, compensations & benefits.

This book is highly recommended for college students & professionals. It talks about students loans: federal & private loans. How to change interest rates (if you can) from your loans.

Here are the following advice I enjoyed from the book:

  1. Money is important. Wanting money isn't a bad thing, either. The problem start occurring when it becomes the priority over all else.

  2. Increase your market value by taking on a role that helps you build transferable skills and experiences.

  3. Lower your credit utilization, the better your credit score.

  4. Investing is the most interesting part of personal finance and the most important aspect as well.

  5. Investing is a key strategy that can help you reach your goals and live the life you want.

  6. The key to making the right career choices is self-knowledge.

  7. There are so many ways to gain new skills these days. With a little bit of research and a can-do attitude, it can be relatively easy to fill in the skills gap on your resume.

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