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  • Writer's pictureCindy Valladares

Network Action Plan

Updated: Aug 11, 2020

Do you ever stop and think about assessing your current network? Some of us know a lot of people but do we actually know what part of our network they connect to?

I've always heard, "It's not who you are, but who you know". How the Network Action Plan works is dividing all your connections into categories of connectors, mentors, subject matter experts, and Peers.

Connectors: People who know a lot of people and enjoy making connections between them.

-For those of you that don't know me, I work with the Center of Entrepreneurship. This position allows me to connect with a lot of local and global entrepreneurs. Most of my connectors are professors, the Center of Entrepreneurship Director, Coordinator, Director of Business consulting. These people are the ones I've worked with at the Center and have seen the quality of my work.

Mentors: People you consider an experienced and trusted advisor who has your best interest.

Subject Matter experts: Who do you need to know based on your role? Harder to bond with; but you want them to know you and what you bring

-These include professionals I've recently met, past and new academic advisors, professors and the director of the Center of Entrepreneurship.

Peers: The goal with your peers is to see how you can help them; paying it forward returns dividends

-These individuals include friends I've made throughout College, Extracurricular and Volunteerism.

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